Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I can't sleep so why not just type about anything and everything? This sucks via mobile device but it'll do. My laptop is hella old and slow and I can't afford a new one hah. Anyway I'm not sure what people say or think about me. I could care less but I actually went to church one Sunday. I know SHOCKING right lol so I'm walking out and people kept saying hi as I passed. Me being cordial I say hi back not wanting to though. I would be just fine with nobody talking to me. I'm not stuck up or anything I'm just not a social butterfly. If I don't have anything to say to you then I'll just be on my way thank you very much. I'm quiet and shy unless I'm comfortable with my surroundings. Which is one of the reasons why I don't go to church. I want to go there to learn more and strengthen my relationship with Him but I can't do that if I have a bad attitude because someone is annoying me. Plus I like to drink hahah and stuff. I'll find my way back one day. Ugh I miss The Dollz! I'm freaking lucky I have friends I can call my sisters. People I can trust and go to for anything. I'm glad that despite the changes we've made throughout the years we still remain close and somewhat find time to see each other in our crazy schedules. I need them in my life! Hah ok I'm done .. for now. Good night

Sunday, December 1, 2013


I know Thanksgiving just passed and I should be blogging about everything I'm thankful for and all that, but I don't want to lol. Don't get me wrong I had a good Thanksgiving though. Anyway just more boy drama. First an update on Texas. He's so damn confusing. One day he'll come in and be all flirtatious and cute. Other days he's just in and out and doesn't say much. We've hung out a couple times but nothing special. I was starting to think he just wanted me for my body ;D hahah or just using me. It's sad though because I actually like him. Oh well life goes on right?

Next is a nigga Sam. He is one persistent annoying ass. So I know him from our first Tongan ward from when we moved here. But I got to know him better because he dated my sister. Long story short, they broke up because he was going on his mission. She dated other guys and ended up marrying one of them. So I didn't see him when he came back for a while. Later he added me on fb and Instagram. I saw he was married and had a daughter. Anyway just a couple weeks ago he stopped by the store to say hi, but I had already left. So he messaged me on fb saying he stopped by and all that blah blah blah. It started getting weird, asking for my number. He invited me to a mix for "my birthday" I didn't think anything of it because he said he said he's bringing a friend. By that I thought he was gonna try hooking me up or something. Nope he actually wanted me for himself lol. We hung out a couple times after that but never alone. He wanted to talk so we did. He just basically said he liked me and if I would date him. I said no. It's not the fact he dated my sister, I mean it makes things awkward that's for sure. But I'm not attracted to him, he annoys me and he's technically still married. Come on guys can you please take care of your shit before you start moving on. Even after I told him no, he's still not giving up. I'm about to go ham on his behind lol He's a nice guy and not that bad looking, just not someone I'm interested in.

Why is it that the ones you want are the ones you have to work hard for, but the ones you don't care for are handed to you. I always joked I'll find a guy with kids that way I don't have to have any of my own. IT WAS A JOKE! ugh I guess somewhere on my body it says looking for married men with kids. hahah shoulda knocked on wood. As of right now, going through all these crazy and annoying guys, I just don't want to date anymore. I know it'll change once another hottie comes around lol

Sunday, November 10, 2013


If you don't do any of those while listening to music, there's something wrong with you or the music you're listening to. I love music. One day, if I ever have my own place, there will always be something playin'. It makes cooking and cleaning just that much better. I wish I could afford a system for GeeGee. It helps with road rage ahah.

I like bits of everything from oldies to rock. Growing up I mostly listened to The Beetles, Beach Boys, Elvis, and Tongan jams.We'd be mash potatoing it in the living room. Or doin' the Jail House Rock. The Electric Slide and Island music from church dances. As I got older, it was R&B and Hip Hop from my older siblings. When I started getting closer to my older brother, Alternative Rock was added to my playlist. Best for an anger workout lol. I didn't really listen to Country because nobody really listened to it. It wasn't until I was forced into 3rd wheel position, my sisters boyfriend at the time was always listening to country. I actually liked some of the songs.

Now I just listen to whatever I'm in the mood for. Always lookin' for something new to jam to. It's weird and cool to be around all kinds of different genres and to see how music evolves and changes.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I have a confession!

I hate shaving!

Hahahah you thought it was gonna be something juicy or something huh? Nope just annoying shaving. Seriously girls have to shave EVERYTHING. Armpits and legs. Some girls arms and kooka ;). We gotta wax the brows and some their staches lol! Even my stomach is hairy! ugh being tongan, it's more noticeable so it's not like I can just leave it for a while unless I wanna look like a cavewoman.

I remember asking my mom, when I was probably 9 or 10, when I can shave. She said whenever you want dear. The next second I was in the shower with a razor shaving. I straight cut myself like three times. Wasn't such a big deal after that hahah. If I had the money I would just get laser hair removal.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Is annoying me right now! I feel it will never grow back to them looong locks I used to have. I just got a crappy azz cut! I hate it. I just want to put in a bun til it grows out of this fugly stage. I'm a cheap mofo so I went to Great Clips. It's a hit n miss there. I like 2 ladies there that did an awesome job, but my slow azz can't remember their names. Growing up my mom always just trimmed it for us. Normally I would still have her do it, but my picky self likes it layered. It all started with that first cut my senior year. From almost to my behind to above my shoulders. I donated it :( lol Now I feel it's stuck to my shoulder blades. GROW HAIR damn it!

from this

to this

to staying like this

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Relationships AGAIN


If you don't know, now you know NIGGA! hahah I just wanted to say that. But for reals. From my previous posts you can tell I have the best luck with BOYS. Where are the men? Some of it is my fault though.

So I have another great story to tell. Imma tell you a very short version though. Basically met a guy that moved here from Maine. He was a waste of time, gas, money, makeup, and energy to shave and dress up. The end. Seriously one really annoying lost person I met. My sistah even asked me why I didn't "dump" him. I guess I'm too nice. Which brings me to a convo I had with my cousin. She basically said I need to know how to be a bitch and say no. Not the first time I've heard that. But I learned more things about that Gay Flocko nigga. Just makes me want to be a bitch to any guy I meet, but its not in my nature. Makes me feel pathetic for letting it go on for so long and not doing anything about it. Just brought me back to the other guy. Literally :( such a shame that I stoop to that level again to go back to him. He knows what to say to me and lures me in. I don't know why ..

But on a positive note, a cute customer kinda asked me on a date. LOL He's a tall white young guy from Texas. I would date him any day hahah but he's not old enough to buy alcohol, that's why I say young. It's not much of an age difference, but I just think it's kinda weird. He calls the store before he comes in to see if I'll sell him beer. I think it's just so his relatives (who he stays with) won't have to come up to get it. But in the back of my head I just think he's just gonna use me to get some for him. He's really nice and respectful. Just putting lots of scenarios of how it'll come down to with him. I wonder if he even knows how old I am hahah He doesn't act like an ass. I like that about guys.

 My brother asked me what's the first thing I look for in a guy. Like nothing to do with his body or his looks. I said someone that's respectful and good with kids. With the last guy, he demanded everything like I was his slave or something. He didn't even open ANY doors for me. He just didn't give a shit about anything. Never considered others feelings. I don't like want a guy to cater to my every need I'm a very independent woman,  but some assurance that he cares is nice. I want someone that will walk an elderly across the street. Someone that will try to make an unhappy child smile. But at the same time has a tough exterior. Not a softie can't do that. If he cries more than me, it won't work lol

What qualities do you look for in a MAN?

blah blah blahg lol

 To my "devoted reader", you can thank insomnia for this. hahah

The last couple weeks I haven't been able to sleep due to staying up watching YouTube, or just looking at endless pictures on Instagram. I know, I have a problem. I no gare. hahah Now I can't go to sleep early soooooo everything and anything is going through my brain. sooooo I decided why not blog it right?!

Anyway just so you know, it's about to get crazy up on hurr hahah. As you can already tell, I'm not a writer. soooo it'll just be a big jumble now about everything and anything. I've been reading a few peoples blogs (cuz I'm nosey lol) and it's made me want to blog. So hopefully I actually do and stick to it. So stick around if ya want to get in ma crazy brain :D Toodles